
2014 September 25 th


Agile Tour Kaunas 2014


Europa Royale Hotel Kaunas
Miško st. 11, Kaunas 44321


turas @ agile.lt


Sold Out.
Online streaming will be available
during the conference day.


English, Lithuanian


Conference Program

09.00 - 10.00


10.00 - 10.15

Opening Video

10.15 - 11.00

11.00 - 12.00

J. B. Rainsberger

The Next Decade of Agile Software Development


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12.00 - 12.30

Hall 2.1

Hall 3.1

Hall 2.2

12.30 - 13.15

Tolga Kombak

Kaizen Culture and Retrospectives


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Vaidas Adomauskas

Agile project with fixed price contract


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Arūnas Vilčinskas

Workshop. Agile: let's do it the LEGO way

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13.25 - 14.10

Agnius Paradnikas

Kudos, Motivation & Agile


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14.10 - 15.10

15.10 - 15.55

Chuck Lewin

Adapting Agile for Distributed Teams


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Vaida Masiulionytė

Workshop. Marshmallow challenge

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16.05 - 16.50

Chris Covell

Collaboration for Distributed Teams


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Ričardas Šliapikas

Mobile testing? Let’s automate it!


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16.50 - 17.15

17.15 - 18.00

18.00 - 18.15

Ending, Prizes


Ilja Laurs

2011 m. Europos verslo spaudos asociacijos Metų vadovo titulo laimėtojas, vienas iš 25 Europos technologijų lyderių pagal "Wall Street Journal”. Ilja yra pripažintas ir dažnai kviečiamas telekomunikacijų renginių pranešėjas, cituojamas tokiuose leidiniuose kaip "Forbes”, CNN, CNBC, BBC, "Bloomberg”.

Kodėl versle neveikia ilgalaikiai planai


J. B. Rainsberger

J. B. Rainsberger helps software companies better satisfy their customers and the businesses they support. Over the years, he has learned to write valuable software, overcome many of his social deficiencies, and built a life that he loves. He has traveled the world sharing what he's learned, hoping to help other people get what they want out of work and out of their lives. He provides personalised consulting through AgileTutor.com, where he helps even more people start getting the advice they need with minimal investment. He lives in Atlantic Canada with his wife, Sarah, and two cats.

The Next Decade of Agile Software Development

In 2011, I looked back at over a decade of progress in the community of Agile software development practitioners. I talked about some alarming trends in our attitudes, our practices and what we teach, but also described the ways in which I believe we’d really advanced the art of software development.

Now, I explore a more interesting question: Where do we go from here? Those alarming trends haven’t all gone away. In fact, some have got worse, and I want to highlight some of things that I think we really need to stop before they destroy all the credibility we’ve built.

Of course, the picture is not bleak: we’ve helped make software development better for so many people, and I’ll talk about where I’d like us to focus our considerable energy to help make the coming decade even better for our field and the lives of our colleagues.


Chris Covell

Chris is Head of Development for Callcredit Information Group. Over the last 25 years he has worked in corporates, start-ups and growing companies. Originally a mechanical engineer innovating for the British Post Office, Chris moved into software in the late 90’s developing solutions for distributed printing and public key infrastructure, using proprietary and Open Source software. After a period of supporting a global network of mail and web traffic management servers, Chris moved to Callcredit, where he developed Consumer facing and B2B solutions working as part distributed team. As an advocate of agile methods within Callcredit, Chris has helped develop a culture of collaboration and communication.

Collaboration for Distributed Teams

Tackling the problem of good communication within agile teams spread over many locations. You will hear about the people, the technology and the effort required to build complex solutions in a distributed agile environment.


Tolga Kombak

Tolga Kombak, CSM, PSM I, PSPO I, Agile Coach & Trainer Tolga has been the first Scrum Master of his previous organization Akbank after he attended the course by James O. Coplien and has become Certified Scrum Master. In 5 years he has been the Scrum Master/ Agile Coach of numerous teams. Finally in Akbank he has initiated and consulted Payment Systems IT Department Agile Transition. He joined ACM in 2014 as Agile coach and trainer and currently training, coaching and consulting Agile teams in various companies. Member and a frequent speaker at Agile Turkey. Since 2010 he has taken various roles in AgileMeetings, AgileTalks and Agile Turkey Summit 2013 which are the organizations being held by AgileTurkey.org.

Kaizen Culture and Retrospectives

Photography is basically a subtractive process rather than an additive one. In other words photography is in a way; letting go...” - Prof.Sabit Kalfagil

The more you keep only the essentials in your frame, the sharper focus your photograph exhibits and delivers its message and soul to the audience. This efficiency motto “less is more” must also be used to eliminate the unnecessary noises of our business and daily life.

Efficiency can be defined as producing the maximum output by consuming the resources at hand ideally. Consuming the resources “ideally” implies keeping these resources’ both power and focus away from the waste tasks (muda -無駄).

Focusing on “what really needs to be done” by eliminating “muda”, is a must for agility. Scrum strongly bonds with “changing for the better” (kaizen - 改善) and defines a mandatory time-box which must be held at the end of each Sprint: “Retrospective Meeting”. Retrospective is an introspection of the Team for the last Sprint. At the end of each Sprint the Team inspects what they have done well and commits to keeping them up. Inspects what they have done wrong, insufficient or badly and creates and employs tasks to overcome these and make themselves faster, more efficient and positive. These retrospectives the Teams hold generally end up with making visible of the wastes so called “procedures!” or inertia cliché “for years this is how it’s done here!” and start avoiding them.

In my session I will mention “kaizen culture” which is the spirit of Scrum, its carrier pillar “retrospective meeting” and retrospective techniques.


Erhan Köseoglu

Erhan is an Information Technology Executive, with more than 12 years of continuous advancement and expertise in Business Operations, Demand Management, Agile Delivery, Service Management and Continual Service Improvement for GSM companies. Erhan is working for producing high quality products with productivity and time-to-market advantage in Turkey GSM market by using Scrum. Also Erhan is an enterprise change agent on implementing “IT Drives Business” innovation model and he is responsible of Vodafone Turkey’s Agile Transformation program as Agile Solutions Senior Manager.

Delighting Vodafone Turkey's Customers via Agile Transformation

In big organizations like Vodafone Turkey, it is always a challenge to start a change initiative. Especially in a bureaucratic and awkward environment, there is a huge risk of resistance to change and therefore a huge risk of failure for an Agile transformation initiative. This lecture talks about the real case study of how Agile transformation has started as a pilot inside the Vodafone IT and how in just a few months that pilot turned into an organizational change initiative via the establishment of Scrum Studio leading to innovation culture and a superior customer experience as a result. The starting motivation of this transformation, the achievements via Scrum, the motivation achieved via empowered Scrum teams, the improved transparency via evidence-based management, the KAIZEN culture that is triggered with the transformation, the more effective collaboration between the parties and the significant positive reflections of all these on the customer side as results will be explored in details through the lecture. This lecture is for everyone who is interested about starting an Agile transformation inside a big enough company and growing that initiative through the whole organization via creating customer delight.


Audrys Kažukauskas

Audrys Kažukauskas has been leading the technology teams for quite a few successful large scale software projects, among them swoodoo.de, the largest flight search engine in German speaking countries, and KAYAK.com, one of the world's biggest travel metasearch engines.

One of the Agile and Extreme Programming pioneers in Lithuania, a frequent speaker at Agile conferences, a consultant on software development processes.

Agile Offsharing, or building high-performance remote teams

A lot of startups or growing companies fail to find enough of programmers locally and seek for help abroad. Many of them have already got their fingers burned with the standard offshoring, most likely trying to outsource to India and similar countries, and now are looking after much higher quality teams.

We at NFQ have come a long way striving to build high-performance remote teams for such companies, always fine tuning the recipe of highly productive remote work. I'll share our guidelines on remote work organisation and coordination practices, helpful technical tricks, our learnings about dealing with the barriers of distance, time zones, culture and language. No fluff, just stuff.


Vaidas Adomauskas

Technologijų direktorius (CTO) ir partneris, WoraPay. Prezidentas, asociacija Agile Lietuva. Autorius tinklaraščio ir Agile mokymų centro Lietuvoje www.agilecoach.lt.

Vaidas sukaupė ilgametę patirtį diegiant ir naudojant Agile projektų valdymo metodikas efektyvinti IT gamybos skyriaus ir visos įmonės veiklą. Jis veda Agile projektų valdymo konsultacijas ir mokymus IT (ir ne tik) įmonėms (atsiliepimai ir rekomendacijos). Jo mokymų kursas ICAgile sertifikuotas profesionalas yra akredituotas tarptautinio Agile konsorciumo (ICAgile), tad jo dalyviai gauna ICAgile sertifikuoto profesionalo (CIP) sertifikatus. Vaidas yra nuolatinis seminarų ir konferencijų pranešėjas.

Vaidas yra ICAgile sertifikuotas profesionalas (CIP), sertifikuotas Scrum profesionalas (CSP), sertifikuotas Scrum meistras (CSM) ir sertifikuotas Scrum produkto šeimininkas (CSPO), Lietuvos projektų valdymo asociacijos (LPVA) narys, dėsto „Agile projektų valdymas naudojant Scrum“ kursą Vilniaus universitete.

Agile project with fixed price contract

There are rumors that Agile project can be executed only on time and material contract. I will show an example how I executed project with fixed price contract. I will also discuss the contract itself as well as how we managed to execute the project with it.


Ričardas Šliapikas

Ričardas Šliapikas is a Test Manager in Baltic Amadeus with background in test automation using Selenium framework. He has experience in product and project testing in various domains like finance, insurance, telecommunications, etc. Ričardas is also ISTQB certified tester and test manager.

Mobile testing? Let’s automate it!

Test automation is one of general principles of Agile and mobile app automation was relatively poorly covered topic. However, now there is an open source Appium tool that can cover mobile automation using the good old Selenium framework. I will explore the possibilities of mobile application automation using Appium and will cover a specific use case where it has been applied.


Agnius Paradnikas

Agnius has been in software development field already for more than 8 years. Actively working as a software developer and sometimes acting as a Scrum Master Agnius has learned that writing pragmatic code is equally important as collaborating pragmatically within the team. At the moment he is a part of fast growing company and as all other geeks trying to make the world a better place.

Kudos, Motivation & Agile

Motivated developers are a key to success in software development. We all know that. How to make them motivated and maintain it? What really motivates developers? Is it enough of foosball or Xbox in the office? Agnius will try to answer these questions as well as telling few secrets about Kudos which is a small piece, but yet very important, in the whole motivation puzzle.


Chuck Lewin

"Chuck Lewin - Director, Software Engineering at Intermedix Corp. Chuck is responsible for Intermedix's Public Health products, used by emergency responders and hospitals to manage emergencies and save lives. The software is used 24x7 in half the hospitals in the United States. He manages software development, quality assurance, and customer support teams in Lithuania, India, and the United States. Chuck has been with Intermedix for eight years, including five years as a Web Application Developer and Architect. Before joining Intermedix, Chuck worked 20 years as a Software Craftsman, Architect and Project Manager. He has completed projects in more than 20 countries. Chuck has been practicing agile methodologies for almost ten years, becoming hooked the first time he read the Agile Manifesto. He believes in a pragmatic approach that adapts agile to the people, goals, and constraints of each project. Currently, he is iterating on how to make widely distributed, international teams effectively use agile to rapidly and reliably deliver life-critical software."

Adapting Agile for Distributed Teams

Many Lithuanian developers work in geographically distributed teams. Agile is the most effective development methodology for distributed teams, but there are adaptations to the process that can improve effectiveness for these teams. Chuck will share his recent experiences of leading teams spread across sites in North America, Europe, and Asia. He will focus on the art of writing better user stories, because they are central to overcoming the communication challenges that distributed teams face.


Algirdas Stonys

Self-starter mobile entrepreneur Algirdas Stonys ​is a founder and CEO at UAB ​TeleSoftas for 11 years​,​ developing mobile apps since the first commercial smartphones have appeared. Telesoftas ​is the first mobile development company in Baltic States. ​Algirdas also co-founded many mobile businesses throughout his career ​​Like media publishing company Litrecords​, Swiss mobile marketing agency Click ON Mobile GMBH, first lithuanian IT services cluster ELITCluster, middle eastern mobile retail management company Viafone - serving largest shopping mall Wafi in Dubai. Being mobile technology enthusiast Algirdas was one of the first sponsors of Startup Weekend Lithuania and has mentored numerous Lithuanian start-ups on mobile technology.

Positive attitude is the key to your business success

Motivational presentation a story about how development process is changing life of an average IT enterpreneur.


Arūnas Vilčinskas

Arūnas is now more than 10 year in IT area, his experience consists from simple systems administration/programing till complicated international projects delivery. During Arūnas carrier he had a chance to put his hands on different delivery methodologies and methods, such as: PMI, DSDM Atern, Prince2, Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban, LEAN, XP and etc. At the moment his main focus and energy is dedicated to software development using Agile delivery tools. In the last few year he was and still is obsessed with DSDM Atern and Scrum methods and was not just closely following how these method evaluating in the IT market, but also using them heavily his daily work.

Workshop. Agile: let's do it the LEGO way

“Agile: let's do it the LEGO way” workshop is a powerful thinking, communicating and problem solving game that can help you and your team do serious work through structured play activities using a popular and playful modeling toy. Through a facilitated process of building models that, storytelling and reflection, every person in the room is engaged and actively participating in the discussion, whether the topic is individual aspirations, team relationships, developing a new product or solving a wicked organizational problem. Everyone builds and everyone tells their story – all participants have equal opportunity to put their own points of view on the table, unlocking new perspectives and exposing the answers that are already in the room.


Vaida Masiulionytė

Vaida (CSM, CSPO) is working in IT industry for more than 10 years. She has passed through different roles in IT companies as IT teacher, Developer, Analyst, Team Leader, Project Manager and Scrum Master. For the last 6 years Vaida is teaching at Vilnius and Mykolo Romerio Universities, subjects like: GIS development, IT Process management (ITIL) and Spatial Database application. She is actively participating in agile community (is a board member of Lithuania Agile association): organizing Agile User group events and conferences. Her biggest passion is around the concepts of Agile Development principles and process management methodologies, so she is actively delivering speeches in various Universities and conferences.

Workshop. Marshmallow challenge

The goal of this workshop is to build a tower from spaghetti with marshmallow on top. Seems to be very simple, but is it really so easy? This task will show you how important is iterative planning and what role plays team collaboration. Why some teams succeed to do this in fixed time and others not? Interesting lessons are learned when different teams are compared, you can see the strong and weak parts of the team. Come and try to build the tower, have fun, and learn some simple but valuable lessons in collaboration, planning and creativity.


General Sponsors of Agile Tour Kaunas 2014


Major sponsors of Agile Tour Kaunas 2014

Sponsors of Agile Tour Kaunas 2014


Agile Lietuva logo Vytautas Dagilis Marius Karotkis Tomas Povilaitis Ramunė Jurkšytė Martin Čiurlionis Ugnius Malūkas Karolina Jakimavičiūtė Dainius Stasiulis


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